Friday 21 April 2017

the war on north korea is on the way

North Korea war threat

image source : Daily Express

 North Korea — Following China’s reported deployment of 150,000 troops to its border with North Korea only days ago, it appears Russia is now following suit.
Thursday morning, footage surfaced that appears to show Russian tanks, helicopters, and troops being moved to the country’s tiny 11-mile border with North Korea by train.
“Railway trains loaded with military equipment moving towards Primorsky region via Khabarovsk have been noticed by locals,” reported a news outlet in Russia’s far East, as translated by the Daily Mail.
One video seems to show military helicopters and army combat trucks performing maneuvers near the Korean Peninsula, and the Daily Mail  writes that other reports from the region are coming in claiming more Russian equipment is being moved to the border via roads.
Russian military veteran Stanislva Sinitsyn told the Daily Mail the equipment being moved includes “artillery systems that either support troops in assault or meet the aggressor.”
Speaking of his own country, and highlighting current tensions, Sinitsyn said:
“If the situation worsens, especially related to military events, the armed forces of all the neighboring countries obviously monitor it more closely, and we are no exception.”
On Wednesday, Russia went against a U.N. Security Council statement put forward by the United States that would have condemned North Korea’s missile tests. The reason given, according to diplomats who spoke to theAssociated Press, was that Russia wanted language included in the statement that would emphasize a peaceful resolution to the situation through dialogue.
A Russian military spokesman declined to comment on exactly why the heavy military equipment was being moved to the border, but Russia’s deputy foreign minister, Sergei Ryabkov, summed up the situation pretty well following Wednesday’s vote at the U.N.
news source : anonnymous
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Tip to follow when dog bite

Tip to follow when dog bite

Dogs are the most loyal friends of man and these days dogs have become a real craze as  a pet, but have you imagined what happens if your dog bites. After all it is just an animal and you can not trust animal instincts. So just in case if your dog bites then instead of losing your mental calm and getting panicked , you have to think of something which you should do immediately to save yourself from the deadly disease called Rabies. Rabies is a disease, which you can catch only if you are bitten by a dog or any other animal. If you get infected by rabies once then there is no treatment for it. The only remedy of rabies is to get anti rabies shot once you are bitten by a dog immediately.

image credit : Express Solicitors

First Thing You Should Do After Dog Bite

When we saw the scenario of dog or rather cat bites we found that there are around 1000 cases of rabies which come to the hospital in Delhi itself every day, so you can well imagine what must be the scenario of the whole country. Dog bite is just like an accident, because you never know when a dog might bite you, so first thing is do not panic and keep your calm. Here are few things which you should do after a dog bite:

If a dog bites you never get frightened and lose your self control. Do not start using any home remedy on the wound where the dog has bitten you. Wash the affected area or the wound under the tap with free flowing water and soap for at least 10-15 minutes. This will help in removing at least 70 out of 100 Rabies viruses from the open wound, thus reduce the intensity of getting infected with rabies.
In our country that is India the laws and legal aspects of dog bites are totally different from what they follow in other countries. In other countries if a dog bites and he has been vaccinated with the rabies vaccine then there is no need for the patient to get the anti rabies vaccination. But in India even if the dog is vaccinated with rabies then too it is compulsory for the patient to get a shot of anti rabies according to the law.

Know Some Facts About Anti Rabies Vaccine

image credit : Victoria Stilwell Positively

The vaccination of anti rabies is absolutely free in government hospitals, but if you want you can get the injection from private clinics or hospitals too. Earlier there were Nerve Tissue Vaccines were there for dog bite , which the patient had to take 10-15 in number and that too in the stomach . This used to be very painful experience. But now there are just 5 Vaccinations which are given as shots in the arm only.
The vaccination schedule to be followed is like 0 – 3 – 7 – 14 – 28 days which means that the first shot has to be taken on the day of dog bite only, then the second one on the third day, 3rd shot on the 7th day, fourth shot on the 14th day and the fifth and final shot on the 28th day. Patients generally think that one shot of anti rabies is enough to save them from rabies, but it is not so till you get all the five shots of anti rabies you will not be protected from the rabies.

It is important to get a tetanus vaccine too along with all the five shots of rabies for the patient. If somehow you are not able to get the vaccine immediately after the dog bite, then take it as soon as you get time and get all the five shots. Rabies virus remains alive in the human body for a long time and they can spread the infection later on too.
Along with the anti rabies vaccine serum is also used to prevent rabies. This serum or vaccine when injected into the patient’s body produces antibodies, which fight the infection and prevent it from spreading. Serums are a kind of readymade anti bodies which are given to the patients.

Things To Do After The Vaccination

After the dog bite the kind of medication needed depends on the kind of wound and the risk of rabies infection. Even if the wound is very deep then too no stitches are used to close the wound, just some ointment is applied on the wound. Stitches can help the rabies virus to stay in the wound and spread the infection, thus they are avoided. After the anti rabies vaccination the patient should not consume alcohol at all, because alcohol restricts the production of antibodies in the patient’s body. There is no need to avoid any other food, just eat normally.

Indications Of Rabies

Rabies is an incurable disease, so prevention is the only way to cure rabies. It occurs due to any kind of animal bite like cat, dog, or any other wild animal bite.  But if a domestic mouse or squirrel bites then there is no need of anti rabies vaccine. Some important signs of rabies patients are: The person suffers from common viral fever or flu. The area where the dog has bitten, around that wound there is some kind of pricking sensation.
The patent starts suffering from Hydrophobia, Aerophobia and photophobia. If the person has hydrophobia then while drinking water he will suffer from pain in throat while drinking water.  In case of Aerophobia even a light blow of air can cause pain in the neck muscles and in case of photophobia the patient faces problem in bright light. There is change in the voice of the patient.
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Thursday 20 April 2017

This indian player says his chances of playing in the Champions Trophy are less

             KL Rahul Ruled out from champions trophy

image source : The Field -

India opener KL Rahul, who is sitting out the IPL with a shoulder injury, has revealed he is unlikely to regain full fitness in time for the Champions Trophy.
"I have to wait and see but the chances are slim," he told the Times of India.
Rahul injured his left shoulder during the first Test against Australia in Pune in late February, and played with pain through the rest of the series.
"I had torn my labrum [a ring of fibrocartilage attached to the shoulder socket]. I couldn't get into a few positions because my shoulder kept dislocating. That's why I couldn't play a lot of shots and had to restrict myself. I played with a lot of medication and taping."
Despite this, Rahul finished the series as India's second-highest run-getter, with 393 runs at 65.50 including six fifties in seven innings. After the series, Rahul travelled to England to undergo surgery - he said it might take his shoulder "2-3 months" to recover fully.
"The doctor said it will take 2-3 months. Each body is different, so you don't know how it recovers," he said. "It is totally up to me and how I well I take care of myself in the rehab phase. For now, it is 2-3 weeks of relaxing and after that, I will start physiotherapy. My rehab will start from there."
The injury, Rahul said, occurred when he hit a six against Steve O'Keefe on day two of the Pune Test.
"It is a sports injury but the doctor was surprised it happened because of batting," he said. "It mostly happens in contact sports where people run into you.
"The physio [Patrick Farhart] was surprised because there was no such major incident. It was that moment in Pune when I played a shot - not the one I got out to, but the one that went for six. That's when I knew that my shoulder dislocated and went back in. I got out playing the same shot, so by then it was completely damaged. I couldn't do anything after that."
Still only in his third year as an international cricketer, Rahul has already missed a number of matches with injury or illness.
"It is frustrating for a young man who is new to international cricket - it's been two-and-a-half years now," Rahul said. "I've already been injured twice or thrice. It makes me think about what I am doing wrong.
"I can't see any reason why I keep getting injured because I am disciplined with my fitness and my diet and I look after my body. Now is the time to see what I can change in training. To be injury-free is wishful thinking for a sportsman. To be fit and minimize injuries will be my goal once I get back."
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Hollywood Actor Dan Belizerian acting in Nithin’s Latest Film

Hollywood Actor Dan Belizerian acting in Nithin’s Latest Film

After a few unsuccessful films, Nithin has got his comeback with Ishq and since then he has not failed to keep up his winning streak. He is up with his latest film, Lie.
Nithin has a completely different look that is exciting already and now it is more thrilling since he has got Hollywood actor Dan Bilzerian on the board. Dan is an American poker player and stunt master, who featured in some notable Hollywood films including Lone Survivor (2013), The Equalizer (2014), Cat Run 2 (2014) and Extraction (2015).

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Mind f**k fims you must watch before you die..

Top 10 mind f**k films watch before you die

          Some brain food ever so often is good for your mind. Who said it? No one. But c’mon. Isn’t it fun that every once in a while a movie comes along that completely f**ks up your brain? Yes, you may come out irritated–or, completely mesmerized, in my case–but slowly, you have the temptation to watch the film again just so that you can fully understand it. These 15 movies are the perfect examples of films that you may have got a gist of when you first watched but never fully understood it. So, you watched it again. And then, again and again till the time you fully “got it”

10. Donnnie Darko

           Donnie Darko is a cinematic wonder. It has a grandiose vision with a sprawling imagination of an affluent adolescent. Down to it’s insidiously naughty elements, “Donnie Darko” is about a young rebel “Donnie” who pays odes to the likes of “The Catcher in the Rye” and successfully brings glib humor through intimidating characters and subjects. Films like ‘Donnie Darko’ are very rare. And even though it is dense with ideas and nearly impossible to understand in one-viewing, very few films enjoy such cult following. The fact that we are discussing it even after fifteen years of its release proves its importance and influence in cinema’s landscape. 


            ‘Solaris’ is a haunting, meditative film that uses sci-fi to raise complex questions about humanity and existence. Made by one of the greatest directors to have ever lived, Andrei Tarkovsky, ‘Solaris’ challenges you to think beyond what’s visible on-screen. While it is surely going twist your mind, it will also touch your soul.


                 ‘Primer’ is not just a film; it is an elaborate science puzzle. It is a film that makes ‘Inception’ look like a pizza commercial. To fully understand each and every aspect of ‘Primer’ requires multiple viewings — those who claim that they “got” the film in first viewing itself are either lying or are just being a smart-ass. When you finally “get” the film, don’t be surprised if you feel ecstatic and victorious, not very different from how you feel when you are able to solve a difficult puzzle. ‘Primer’, today, has a strong cult-following. And it may have its extremely complex plot to thank for it. In my all movie-viewing experience, I am yet to see a film that required so many viewings to understand it

7.The matrix

Way more than just a movie, ‘The Matrix’ has been nothing short of a phenomenon. It changed the way people looked at the world around them and even turned them cynical. Directed by the Wachowskis, the American-Australian movie could very well be described as a living nightmare. A film that virtually introduced the rather terrifying concept of simulated reality, it asked a number of vital philosophical questions about humanity and its actual purpose. Till today, not every question that the film asks has been answered.

6.Upstream colour

Upstream Color draws its cinematic flavor from the likes of Terrence Malick and David Lynch. The quality of film-making resonates with Malick’s style of unconventionality, but resembles more with David Lynch’s surrealism infused with reality. The movie requires skills as receptive as a synapse-spark to understand the plot in its essence. The best aspect of the film is that once you have understood every aspect of it, you’ll realize that it is more of a romantic tale than a science fiction.

5.Mulholland Drive

               A first watch of Mulholland Dr. results into the following: A head scratch, confusion, brainstorming, realization, acceptance. Only after you accept that what you have watched is nothing short of a miracle, you go for second, third, fourth… watch, to appreciate the nuances, to laud at the filmmaking, the editing, the performances and to glean some sense out of the cerebral and haunting piece of cinema. A film that is discussed even today, around 15 years after its release and yet, not every question about the film has been answered. ‘Mulholland Dr.’, quite simply, offers the greatest cinematic mystery of all time.


            ‘Interstellar’ is not perfect, and neither is it trying to be. It uses the science of interstellar travel, relativity, blackholes, wormholes and fifth dimension as a tool to tell an emotional father-daughter story.  So, expecting ‘Interstellar’ to be 100% scientifically accurate is not only foolhardy, but also, not the right way to watch the film. In fact, many of the theories that ‘Interstellar’ uses, haven’t yet been proved; so it’s virtually impossible to portray them on-screen. Having said that, it doesn’t mean whatever ‘Interstellar’ deals in is all bullshit. In fact, far from it. After all, there’s method behind all the madness that you see in Interstellar. You just need a little patience and multiple viewings to completely get the film


              Predestination’s a befitting reality to how time-travel movies are made, and how uncertain they are. It embodies a timeless traveller, revolving in time between 1945 to 1993 in search of the fizzle bomber. The movie plays Ethan Hawke as a “temporal agent” and Sarah Snook, his “predestination”.The opening scene, itself, is paradoxical start as it combines a time-loop of 3 generations. Overall, ‘Predestination’ might be the simplest movie on this list to understand but only if you pay very careful attention to each and every scene in the film.


                When you have countless forums, articles, blog-posts, think-pieces being written about a spinning (or falling) top, it is enough of evidence of the popularity and influence of ‘Inception’ in pop-culture. And I have no doubt in my mind that it will remain a fodder for discussion and arguments for years to come. But the greatest service that ‘Inception’ did to science-fiction movies is that it made them cool again.

1.2001: Space Odyssey

                Undoubtedly the most complete piece of work from the stables of the maverick filmmaker Stanley Kubrick, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ could aptly be described as a tryst with mayhem. With themes ranging from existentialism to evolution, the movie has acquired a cult status over the years. Loosely inspired by a short story named ‘The Sentinel’ penned by Arthur C. Clarke; who co-scripted the screenplay along with Kubrick; the movie chronicles the journey of a crew of scientists to Jupiter along with the sentient computer HAL 9000. The film has inspired numerous interpretations over the years and only seems to go up in terms of popularity.
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Director SS Rajamouli has made an emotional appeal to kannada protesters

Rajamouli's emotional appeal to protesters 

image source :

SS Rajamouli has made an emotional appeal on Twitter, posting a video requesting pro-Kannada groups not to stall the release of Prabhas and Rana Daggubati's Baahubali 2. He says that Sathyaraj will lose nothing from the ban.

Director SS Rajamouli has made an emotional plea to all those who are trying to stall the release of his magnum opus Baahubali 2 in Karnataka. The filmmaker has reiterated in the video posted on his Twitter account that they have nothing to do with Sathyaraj's comments and requests not to target their film for his speech.

image source : wikipedia

He adds, "He made this speech nine years ago and many movies of him have released in these years. In fact, Baahubali was also released in Karnataka without any trouble. I request to show the same love and affection towards the second part of the film."
The director went on to say that Sathyaraj is neither the director nor the producer of the film. He is just one of the characters in Baahubali 2. " He will lose nothing. It is unfair to turn his anger upon on us," SS Rajamouli claims.
"I have spoken to Sathyaraj about the issue and explained him about the situation. We are helpless and cannot do anything above this. I request people not to drag us into the issue in which we are nowhere involved," he ends.

Sathyaraj, at the heights of Cauvery protest in 2008, had apparently slammed Kannada activist Vatal Nagraj and had mocked Kannadigas. This clip went viral in the recent years and now created a roadblock for the release of Baahubali 2. 
The pro-Kannada groups have now demanding an apology from Sathyaraj's speech for the trouble-free release of Baahubali 2. They have also called for Bengaluru bandh on April 28 if he fails to give an apology.

watch the video here below   

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Wednesday 19 April 2017

The best things you have to see in samsung galaxy s8

The Best Things in Samsung galaxy s8

  •  Infinity Display
      The revolutionary design of the Galaxy S8 and S8+ begins from the inside out. We rethought every part of the phone's layout to break through the confines of the smartphone screen. So all you see is pure content and a discreet bezel. It's the biggest, most immersive screen on a mobile device of this size. It's also easy to hold in one hand..
          The regular Galaxy S8 will reportedly measure 148.9 x 68.1 x 8mm and feature a 5.8-inch, 2,960 x 1,440 AMOLED display, while the larger Galaxy S8+ will use a 6.2-inch screen with the same resolution
  • Camera 
            Capture life as it happens with the Galaxy S8 and S8+ cameras. The front camera has been improved with Smart Auto Focus so you’ll be able to take crisp, clear selfies in low light. The Smart Auto Focus tracks faces, so everyone in the shot will be in focus and the bright lens lets in more light in low light conditions.
Both the S8 and S8+ are expected to use a 12-megapixel rear camera and an 8-megapixel selfie camera.
  • Battery
            A 3,000mAh battery is rumoured to be powering the S8, with an enlarged 3,500mAh battery squeezed inside the S8+. Samsung has also made a big deal about its new eight-point battery safety process, which it hopes will be enough to help it regain consumers’ trust. 
  • Water resistence
The Galaxy S8 and S8+ are IP68 certified meaning they are both water* and dust resistant. Your phone can now keep up with your life, wherever you want to take it.
*Up to 1.5 meters depth for up to 30 minutes.
  • Fast charginng
With fast charging and wireless fast charging, the hassle of having to wait for hours for your phone to charge is a thing of the past. With wireless fast charging, it’s as easy as putting your phone down.*
*Wireless charging pad sold separately
  • Iris scanner
               Privacy is important so we’ve increased the protection, while still making it quick & easy to access your content. Unlock your phone quickly with iris scanning and facial recognition.       
  • Bixby(personal aaassistence)
One of the S8’s most notable features is Bixby, a new multilingual AI assistant users can launch through a dedicated button. 
                       Its smart interface makes interacting with your device and apps more intuitive and seamless. Bixby is easy to use and works with conversational English. It also completely changes the way you search. You don't even have to ask, just show Bixby what you want by opening your camera app. It's so incredibly easy.

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5 Best summer health care tips

5 Best summer health care tips

                            image credits
            It’s mid-April, and I don’t know about you, but I’m already getting a little irritated with the heat. I should be used to it though, as years of living in Hyderabad makes  uncomfortable with the heat, very quickly. It’s also made me something of an expert when it comes to taking care of my body when it is super hot out. So before you give up and hide inside your house for the remainder of the warm months, behold! There’s a way to get relief. These are some body care tips on how to keep cool in these next couple of months of summer, and what to do if you do get just too damn hot.

1. Pay attention

         Key to body care in the summer is being able to pay attention to the signals your body sends you when you’re getting overheated. Muscle cramps, headaches, weakness, fatigue, confusion, and nausea are all signs of heat related illnesses. If you have these symptoms, get inside and cool your body immediately, as these may mean you have heat stroke. The symptoms are more likely to occur if you are being active out in the heat, but if you live in an area where you aren’t used to high temperatures and are out and about, watch for them too.

2.Reduce outside hours

    And try to avoid the midday sun, typically between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. With the sun at its most direct, these are the hottest times of the day. I’m going to go even further by pushing that number to 4:00 p.m. if you are in an especially hot area. From living in Florida, I know that the 3:00 hour is just as damn hot as 2 o’clock. If you absolutely have to go outside between these times, try to stay in the shade, or else chill out in a body of water. I hardly venture outside during the middle of the day, and my fave time of the day is in the evening, partly because it is in the eighties, as opposed to the nineties.

3.Drink  more and more...

    No, I’m not talking about your alcoholic drinks, darlings. I’m talking about drinking to hydrate. Water is the best for hydration, but if you can’t get it, or absolutely hate it, first read this. Or try iced tea, lemonade, orange juice, or a sports drink. If you’re going to be exercising outside, drinking a sports drink may be the best bet for you, as they will replace the sodium, potassium, and chloride lost when you sweat. I’ve gotten to the point that I always, and I mean always, carry my trusty water bottle, filled to the nozzle with ice, wherever I go.

4.Use sunscreen lotion and other cosmetics

     Whether your complexion is mocha, peaches-’n’-cream, espresso, ebony, café-au-lait, or ivory, you need sunscreen to protect your body. When there is extreme heat, there is more than likely extreme sun too, so you need to apply the proper SPF so as to help prevent skin cancer, brown spots, skin discolorations, and premature wrinkles. And guess what? Sunscreen actually helps your body stay cool. Sunburns decrease the body’s ability to cool itself, which is of course dangerous in hot temperatures. But by using an SPF of at least 30, you are far less likely to burn, and more likely to keep cool for longer. I recommend using SPF 50, as you can be outside for that amount of time—fifty minutes—and won’t need to reapply until the fifty-first minute. But if you do get a sunburn, stay out of the sun and use outrageous amounts of aloe vera.

5.Always try to be cool

  Besides drinking lots and lots of water or a sports drink, if you find yourself with any heat illness symptoms, get in the shade or indoors ASAP. You should fan your body, remove excessive clothing, and place cool, damp towels or ice packs on your neck, wrists, underarms, and face. Even hop in a tub full of cool water, or else spray yourself down with a hose. If you are still feeling the heat after 30 minutes, you should talk to your doctor immediately, as it may be possible that you have heat stroke. And heat stroke can be nasty: your body is at 105 degrees, is unable to properly cool itself, and may induce seizures and loss of consciousness. So yeah, let’s avoid that, shall we?
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Vijay Mallya arrested in London, gets bail

Vijay Mallya arrested in London, gets bail

         LONDON: Indian tycoon Vijay Mallya has been arrested in London following an extradition request from India where he is accused of fraud, British police said on Tuesday.

         The flamboyant financier, who co-owns Indian Formula One team Force One, appeared in a London court on Tuesday and was granted bail.
Mallya secretly fled India in March 2016 owing more than $1 billion after defaulting on loan payments to state-owned banks and allegedly misusing the funds.
          India submitted an extradition request to Britain in early February after investigators demanded the 61-year-old be brought home to face charges.
          India’s junior Finance Minister Santosh Gangwar said the government would do everything in its power to bring Mallya to justice.

           “We will not spare anyone who is within the ambit of law. Criminals will not be spared,” Gangwar told reporters in New Delhi after the arrest.
            “We will definitely work to bring him back to the country.”
                But the business baron played down the arrest.

      “Usual Indian media hype. Extradition hearing in court started today as expected,” he posted on his official Twitter account on Tuesday.

            Mallya, known for his lavish lifestyle, made Kingfisher beer a global brand and ran a now-defunct airline with the same name.
         He was once the owner of the Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket team Royal Challengers Bangalore and still owns the Barbados Tridents in the Caribbean Premier League.

         In February the Indian government said it was considering new measures to seize the assets of “big time offenders” who fled abroad.
       That same month Mallya was sacked from the board of United Breweries, the firm through which he once controlled his business empire.

      Mallya’s financial dealings are being investigated by the federal Central Bureau of Investigation and the Enforcement Directorate, a financial crimes agency.
A Indian court in January ordered a consortium of banks to start the process of recovering loans from the tycoon.
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Sunday 16 April 2017



Danger and especially dangerous creation fascinate us. We are constantly efforts to make a better and safer life for ourselves, but the world remains a dangerous place. As for wild animals, what determines their danger level might not necessarily be size. What we can formulate with our human brain power? We may think of some of these animals as friendly or harmless, but sometimes even friendly seeming species become dangerous. Here are the top 10 deadliest animals that could turn any human, smart or dumb, into a tasty lunch or dinner. Many more criteria are still out there. Feel free to add other deadly creatures to the comments.

10. Jellyfish

Affectionately known as the “sea wasp”. The Jellyfish killing more then 100 per year provides a good example of why these graceful, free-floating marine creatures can also be some of the world’s deadliest living organisms. They are mostly found around the Australian coastline, and are most commonly seen in the summer months. Just like any animal, however, jellyfish take no prisoners when they feel threatened. Box jellyfish don’t even drift; they actively swim to hunt their prey, and a nice human leg or arm can suffer some serious collateral damage.

9. The Shark

The shark’s most incredible, virtually X-Men ability is called electroreception. They have organs in their heads called Ampullae of Lorenzini. Every time any animal moves, it generates a very slight electrical field, and sharks can actually sense this electricity. Thus a person treading water looks like lightning to a shark. A great white can detect half a billionth of a single volt. If it is within 100 meters, it can detect the voltage of your heartbeat. Averaging 15 feet long, with rows of up to 300 sharp serrated teeth inside powerful 4-foot-wide jaws, the great white shark is comfortably at the top of the food chain. It eats a wide variety of species and isn’t too picky, but humans are not preferred, being leaner and bonier than its favorite prey—the fattier seals and sea lions.

8. Hippopotamus

After the elephant and rhinoceros, the hippopotamus is the third largest type of land mammal and the heaviest extant artiodactyl. They are usually found in Africa and are responsible for more human fatalities on the continent than any other large animal. Male and female hippos tend to have different reasons for attacking. A male hippo will defend its territory, which runs along the bank of a river or lake, whereas the female becomes aggressive in defending her young. They killed more then 200 every year.

7. Lion

A full-grown male lion is about 6 inches taller than a tiger and weighs anywhere from 330 to 550 lbs (150-250 kgs), averaging 400. Kings of the jungle and one of nature’s most brilliant predators, lions are fast, cunning and extremely powerful, they have a sixth sense for hunting and they aren’t very discriminating when it comes to a red-meat dinner. Lions are found on the plains of Africa, but are also held in captivity around the world in zoos and reserves. Lions simply see humans as slower, less-able free lunches, much like gazelles or a zebras. These caused over 250 deaths per year.

6. Cape Buffalo

Also known as “black death” the Cape buffalo, found in Africa, being one of the most dangerous animals on land. Killing more then 500 per year, one of Africa’s most dangerous beasts. It is extremely aggressive and unpredictable. It can weigh between 900 to 1800 pounds, and except for some lone bulls, this bovine species is very gregarious. Herd members are quick to defend each other from lions, crocodiles, or hunters, by ramming the predator with their sharp horns. Sometimes a wounded bull will circle around to ambush its hunter from behind.

5. Elephant

The elephant, the largest land mammal, lives in Africa and some parts of Asia. Normally viewed as friendly, caused over 600 deaths per year, can also be the most dangerous to human health. These lovable, circus-friendly icons can be found in Africa and South Asia, and in a lot of cases, can be found in urban areas where people use their services for tourism, trade and transportation. But, just like a frustrated employee, these hard-working, usually docile creatures never forget poor treatment or being threatened, and that’s why they lash out. An elephant’s legs, trunk, and weight can crush just about anything, and one moment of anger can be lethal.

4. Crocodile

Killing up to 2,000 of people a year, it takes is a good look at one of these prehistoric beasts to realize just how deadly they can be. Crocodiles can be found in the southern U.S., the Tropics, Africa, Asia, and Australia, and love the taste of human flesh just as much as that of any other unsuspecting animal it sees. The saltwater and Nile crocodiles are the most dangerous. It eats a wide variety of animals, living and dead. Its eyes, ears, and nostrils are located high on the head, which allows a crocodile to see and hear its prey. It ranges from 5 to 20 feet long.

3. Scorpion

Caused up to 5,000 deaths per year, Scorpions are predatory arthropod animals of the order Scorpiones within the class Arachnida. Found widely distributed over all continents, except Antarctica, in a variety of terrestrial habitats except the high latitude tundra, these eight-legged arthropods can pack a powerful punch. They are a resilient, non-parasitic killer that actually have the ability to distribute doses of venom based on the type of prey. Buthids, in particular, are the most deadly scorpions and are generally found in Africa, though deadly scorpions have been known to survive and thrive in bone-chilling environments, such as the Andes and the Himalayas.

2. Snake

Living snakes are found on almost every continent. More than 450 species are venomous, and 250 are capable of killing a person. Most venomous bites occur in Africa, Asia, and North America. These cold-blooded reptiles are also cold-blooded killers, and it always seems the further you get away from home, the deadlier they get. The toxicity of some snakes are incredibly severe. These things tend to kill humans for one simple reason: they feel provoked. Plain and simple: It’s their natural defense mechanism to lash out with razor-sharp teeth and sink venom into your skin. These caused 100,000-plus deaths per year.

1. Mosquitoes – Most Deadliest Animal

Mosquitoes make number one on the list of deadliest animal in world. This small blood-sucking insect kills 2 million to 3 million people each year worldwide. They are a family of small, midge-like flies: the Culicidae. Although a few species are harmless or even useful to humanity, most are a nuisance because they consume blood from living vertebrates, including humans. The females of many species of mosquitoes are blood eating pests. It can spread diseases, most notably malaria. Mosquitoes are found in abundance in tropical areas and can also survive the winter in countries with lower temperatures such as Canada. There are over 3,000 types of mosquitoes and all have the ability to transfer population-killing diseases.
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